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Department of English
    The Department of English aims to equip the undergraduate students with a good command of English and comprehensive scientific and cultural knowledge. It enables the undergraduates to be competent in a wide range of fields, such as foreign affairs, economy and trade, cultural exchange, press and publication, education, scientific research, tourism, etc. Students are qualified not only with their language proficiency in translation and interpretation, research, teaching and management, but with their academic competence for further study in postgraduate programs.
2、Main Courses
Intensive Reading, Learning English: Viewing, Listening and Speaking, English Grammar, Advanced English, English Writing, English-Chinese Translation and Interpretation, History of British and American Literature, Linguistics, Appreciation of English Movies, English for Science and Technology, Western Culture, A Guide to English-Speaking Countries, etc.
3、Career Potentialities
The undergraduates from the Department of English are competent in job market to work in sectors of administration, foreign affairs, press and publication, translation and interpretation, international business, culture, education, tourism and foreign enterprises. The pass rate for postgraduate exams has always been above 30% in recent years. The undergraduates have proved to be competitive in job fairs with sustained potential in career development.

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