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John Heritage 讲座

时间:2019-11-04      阅读次数:

形   式:讲座   

主讲人:John Heritage, UCLA

题   目:The Expression of Authority in Primary Care Medicine

时   间:2019年11月4日16:30--18:00

地   点:外国语学院301报告厅

摘   要:According to the sociologist Paul Starr(1982), when patients agree to recommendations for medical treatment, they engage in the 'surrender of private judgment.' The medical authority to which they acquiesce comes in two flavors: epistemic and deontic. Epistemic authority is perhaps most evident in the context of treatment recommendations. This lecture asks whether and how this authority finds verbal expression in these two moments in primary care. It dose so by (i) describing the design of turns at talk in which primary care physicians render diagnoses and make treatment recommendations, and (ii) describing the frequency and extent to which patients respond to these two forms of medical action. The paper is based on a study of c.300 American primary care consultations, with brief comparisons of other secondary consultations.

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