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时间:2015-09-17      阅读次数:

  为提高学生的语言知识转化与应用能力,促进学院实践教学活动的开展,现决定举办2015年山西大学外国语学院本科翻译专业英语笔译大赛。 现将有关事项通知如下:







  四、 参赛规则


  2. 参赛学生可以使用网络、字典等多种工具进行独立翻译。参赛译文需提交电子版和纸质版。


  4. 参加评奖的译文不予退还,请参赛者自留备份。















  Envy Is the Devil

  It’s a familiar, if uncomfortable, feeling. Your best friend announces she’s engaged to the handsome doctor she’s been dating, and the congratulatory hug you offer lacks genuine warmth. Your friend is made the team for Saturday’s big game, and you take a certain pleasure in telling him you can’t be there to watch him play. Something nasty is gnawing at your stomach, and you smile through gritted teeth as that voice in your head asks, why them and not you?

  Envy is one of the Seven Deadly Sins, a flaw of character we like to keep firmly in the closet. And it is hardly surprising that we keep our envy secret. How ungracious is it, after all, not to be looking forward with delight to your day as your best friend’s bridesmaid? And who but a total louse would hope your friend might suffer some injury, so you can take his place on the team?

  We all know the fairy tale of Cinderella, where a downtrodden girl makes good. What stands between Cinderella and her happy-ever-after are two manifestations of the bitterest envy—her step-sisters, bent on bagging her Prince Charming for themselves.

  In history, musical prodigy Mozart shared the limelight with Antonio Salieri, a composer who in his lifetime had far more success than Mozart. Yet Salieri was so eaten with envy over what he saw as Mozart’s effortless talent, he’s rumored to have seen Mozart off with a fatal dose of poison.

  An extreme case, maybe. But from childhood complaints of, “It’s not fair!” to the sniping of office politics and the back-biting on a girls’ night out, envy is everywhere. It seems to be in our nature to resent others’ gifts and good fortune, especially if we see them as undeserved advantages.

  Envy raises its ugly head when we focus on what we want that we don’t possess now, and at a more intense level, we may even wish for and take pleasure in someone losing what we have coveted. Feelings of unfairness and the hostility that sometimes goes with it are part of being human, but when you focus on your lack or your deficiencies—when you compare yourself and your life unfavorably with your friend, your work-colleague or your love-rival—you can only perpetuate your darker emotions. And that makes you feel bad.

  So is there a solution? Is there anything you can do to quash the most ungenerous of emotions?

  Well, why not turn envy on its head, and make it the spur you need for self-improvement? The ultimate weapon against envy is not to compete where you can’t shine, but to do your absolute best where you can.

  Start by making peace with yourself, and accept the gifts which make you unique. Make a pact with yourself to be the best you can be. Then pinpoint the circumstances and qualities in others that trigger your envy. Is it someone’s singing voice, their work promotion, their new car? Envy shows us the things we’d like to have—so draft a plan to earn what’s important to you. Sign up for a night-class. Start a training program. Forego a treat or two, and start saving for what you want.

  And aim for genuine pleasure in the achievements and good fortune of others. Cheer on your friend when he scores that goal. Enjoy your best friend’s wedding day. Then go out and do something special, and make yourself wonderfully proud of you.







  1.圆满地完成翻译任务,忠实地表达原文全部意思;句式非常灵活,符合译入语语言表达习惯;译文通顺流畅, 可读性强;用词准确,符合语言规范;准确理解原文意图,恰当体现原文风格。(85-100分)

  2.较好地完成翻译任务,比较忠实地表达原文意思;句式较为灵活,比较符合译入语语言表达习惯;译文比较通顺、流畅, 有可较强的可读性;用词比较准确,比较符合语言规范;比较准确理解原文意图,能体现原文风格。(70-84分)

  3.基本完成翻译任务,基本忠实表达原文意思;句式略有变化,能基本符合译入语语言表达习惯;译文基本通顺、流畅,基本能够读懂;用词基本准确,大体符合语言规范;基本理解原文意图, 大体体现原文风格。(50-69分)


  5.基本未完成翻译任务;句式基本没有任何变化,不符合译入语语言表达习惯;译文基本不通顺, 无法理解;用词不准确, 不符合语言规范;不理解原文意图,未体现原文风格。(0-29分)




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