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时间:2020-07-15      阅读次数:



新加坡南洋理工大学博士,英国杜伦大学跨文化研究中心主任,翻译硕士项目主任,现代语言与文化学院终身教职副教授,翻译学与语言学方向博士生导师。2020年获颁英国皇家语言学家学会荣誉会士HonFCIL(为该学会最高阶头衔)。现任世界翻译教育联盟交流合作委员会主席。曾任英国汉语教学研究会主席(2012-2016),剑桥大学丘吉尔学院访问院士(2014-2015)。兼任武汉理工大学海外讲座教授,南开大学、对外经济贸易大学、广东外语外贸大学、中国矿业大学(徐州)客座教授;中国传媒大学高级研究员。2016和2018年入选湖北省世界著名科学家来鄂讲学计划,2017年入选华南理工大学和湖南大学海外名师项目。研究兴趣包括认知翻译学、比较翻译学、翻译的神经科学等。出版著作及编著五部,并在国际国内译学期刊和知名出版社,如Target,Brain & Cognition、Across Languages & Cultures, Perspectives, Translation & Interpreting Studies, Babel,Translation Cognition& Behavior,The Linguist,《外语教学与研究》、《外国语》、《外语与外语教学》、《中国外语》等发表论文四十余篇。从事项目包括《口笔译的认知神经科学研究》、《国学智慧与现代管理》、《跨越翻译的界限》等。《翻译学报》、《翻译季刊》、《外国语文》等期刊编委,并作为特邀编委,主编Translation & Interpreting Studies、《外语教学与研究》等期刊特刊。合作主编的劳特里奇丛书《口笔译实证研究:后结构主义视角》将于2020年出版。


2010-2011School of Education, Durham University, UK(Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice)

2004-2008Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (Ph.D. in Translation Studies)

2001-2004East China Normal University, China (M.Phil. in Linguistics and Applied Linguistics)

1997-2001Ningbo University, China (B.A. in English Language and Literature)

Research Interests

cognitive translation/interpreting studies, neuroscience of translation, comparative translation and interpreting studies

SelectedJournal Papers

Zheng, B.& Xie, M. (2020).“Review of The Neurocognition of Translation and Interpreting”.Target(SSCI, A&HCI)https://doi.org/10.1075/target.20055.zhe

Cui, Y., Zheng, B. (2020)“Consultation behaviour with online resources in English-Chinese translation: An eye-tracking, screen-recording and retrospective Study. Perspectives(SSCI, A&HCI)https://doi.org/10.1080/0907676X.2020.1760899

Zheng, B. et al. (2020) “Semantic and attentional networks in bilingual processing:fMRIconnectivity signatures of translation directionality”. Brain and Cognition (SCI, SSCI). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bandc.2020.105584

Zheng, B. (2019). “The translator’s brain”. The Linguist 58(2):10-12.

Liu, Y.,Zheng, B.&Zhou, H.(2019).“Measuring the difficulty of text translation:The combination of text-focused and translator-oriented approaches”.Target, 31(1) 125-149(SSCI, A&HCI)

Wang, F. and Zheng, B. (2019). “A review of the research on translation unit in the past six decades”. Foreign Language Research(外语学刊), 207(2): 99-105. (CSSCI)

Zheng, B. & Xiang, X. (2018). “Between invisibility and over-visibility: Self-perception and user expectations of liaison interpreters in business settings”. Babel, 64(1)1-32 (SSCI, A&HCI)

Zheng, B. & Zhou, H. (2018). “Revisiting processing time for metaphorical expressions: An eye-tracking study on eye-voice span during sight translation”, Foreign LanguageTeachingand Research (外语教学与研究),50(5): 738-753.

Zheng, B. & Xie, M. (2018). “The effect of explanatory captions on the reception of foreign audiovisual products: A study drawing on eye-tracking data and retrospective interviews”. Translation, Cognition & Behavior, 1(1) :119-146.(ERIH)

Pang, F.& Zheng, B. (2017) “Gender Difference of Hedging in Interpreting for Chinese Government Press Conferences: A Corpus-based Study”. Across Languages and Cultures:18(2):171-193(SSCI & AHCI) (as corresponding author)

Luo, W.; Zheng, B.(2017) “Visiting elements thought to be "inactive": Non-human actors in Arthur Waley's translation of Journey to the West”. Asia Pacific Translation and Intercultural Studies (Routledge):4(3):253-265.

Tyulenev, S. & Zheng, B. (2017) “Introduction: TowardsComparative Translation and Interpreting Studies”. Translation and Interpreting Studies,12(2):197-212 (SSCI & AHCI)

Tyulenev, S.; Zheng, B. and Johnson, P. (2017) “A Comparative Study of Translation/ Interpreting as a Profession in Russia, China and Spain”. Translation and Interpreting Studies,12(2):332-354 (SSCI & AHCI) (as corresponding author)

Xiao, D. & Zheng, B. 2015. Reconstructing a Narrative, Reinterpreting a History: A Case Study of Translating Big Breasts and Wide Hips. Asia Pacific Translation and Intercultural Studies, 2(3):155-173.

Xiang, X., & Zheng, B. 2015.“Restricted creation: A questionnaire-based study on perceptions of subjectivity and ethics of business liaison interpreters”. Journal of Foreign Languages (外国语),(5):88-99

Xiang, X., & Zheng, B.2015. “Background information and the translation quality of metaphorical expressions: An analysis of products of English-Chinese sight translation”. Foreign Languages and Their Teaching(外语与外语教学), (1):69-74.

Zheng, B.& Xiang, X.2014. “The role of cultural background knowledge in the processing of metaphorical expressions: An empirical study of English-Chinese sight translation”, Translation and Interpreting Studies,9(1): 5-24. (SSCI & AHCI)

Zheng, B. &Xiang, X.2013. “Processing metaphorical expressions in Sight Translation: An empirical-experimental research”, Babel,59 (2): 160-183. (SSCI & AHCI)

Zheng, B.2014. “The role of consultation sourcesrevisited: An empirical study on English-Chinese translation”,Perspectives, 22(1): 113-135. (SSCI & AHCI)

Xiang, X. & Zheng, B. 2011. “Understanding and reformulating metaphors: An empirical study on English-Chinese sight translation”, Foreign Language Teaching and Research,(3):422-436.

Zheng, B. 2008. “The triangulation module in process-oriented translation studies”,Shanghai Journal of Translators (3):36-41.

Zheng, B. &Tham, W.M.2007. “An empirical study of translation units in English-Chinese translating”. Foreign Language Teaching and Research(2):145-154.

Zheng, B. 2006. “Translog: An assistant program in process-oriented translation studies”, Chinese Science & Technology Translators Journal(中国科技翻译), (4): 20-24. (CSSCI)

Zheng, B. & Chen, Y. 2006. “Boke or Buluoge”, Shanghai Journal of Translators(上海翻译), (3): 78-79. (CSSCI)

Monographs and Book Chapters

Wang, C. & Zheng, B (eds.) (2020)Empirical Studies in Translation and Interpreting: The Post-structuralist Approach. London & New York: Routledge.

Yan, A. & Zheng, B (eds.) (2018)Chinese Wisdom and Modern Management. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Tyulenev, S. & Zheng, B. (eds.) (2017)Toward a Comparative Translation and Interpreting Studies (Special Issue of Translation and Interpreting Studies) (SSCI, AHCI).

Vandepitte, S.; Jooken, Lieve; Maier; Robert M.and Zheng, B. (2018) ‘Linguistics of translation studies’, in Gambier, Y. and D’Hulst Lieven (eds.) History of Translation Knowledge: A Dictionary. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.pp.357-366.

Zheng, B. & Xiang, X. (2017). “The psycholinguistics of Chinese translation”. In Shei, C.& Gao, Z. (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Chinese Translation. London & New York: Routledge.

Zheng, B. & Guo, Z. (eds.). 2015. Applied Chinese Language Studies VI. London: Sinolingua.

Guo, Z. & Zheng, B. (eds.).2015. Applied Chinese Language Studies VI. London: Sinolingua.

Xiang, X. & Zheng, B. 2014. “Revisiting the function of background information in sight translating metaphor: An analysis of translation product and process”.In A.Musolff,F. MacArthurand G. Pagani (eds.),Metaphor and Intercultural Communication. London: Bloomsbury Academic. pp.53-72.

Zheng, B.2012.Choice-making in the Process of English-to-Chinese Translation: An Empirical Study. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching & Research Press.377 pages.

Selected Keynote Speeches

wFeb 2020: “So you’re a translator. What’s going on in your brain?” Threlford Lecture at CIoL Annual Conference, MBA House, London.

wDec 2018: “The Future of Translation and Translation Studies”, A Dialogue with the Future: 2018 UK-China Doctoral Academic Forum, St. Andrews University.

wFeb 2018: “Translation and Cognitive Neuroscience”,Translating Europe: Unlocking the Black Box of Translators' Eyes and Minds, Europe House in London.

wNov 2017: “The Effect of Explanatory Captions on the Reception of Foreign Audiovisual Products:An Eye-tracking and Retrospective Study”, the 4th International Conference on Cognitive Research on Translation, Interpreting and Language Acquisition, Beijing Foreign Studies University.

wOct 2017: “The Psycholinguistic Pathway of Chinese Translation”, the 12thMidwest China Symposium on Translation Theory and Pedagogy and the International Forum on Translation Studies, Translators Association of Hubei Province.

wNov 2016: “Reading and translating sentences between Mandarin and English:An fMRI enquiry on task complexity and translation directionality”, the 3nd International Conference on Cognitive Research on Translation, Interpreting and Language Acquisition, Macau University.

wOct 2015: “Neuro-cognitive Studies into Translation & Interpreting: A pilot study on sight translation with functional MRI”, The 4th Asia-Pacific Forum on Translation and Intercultural Studies, Durham University.

wJuly 2015: “Interdisciplinary: To Do Researches on Arts & Humanities with High Impact” , the first UIBE Journal of Advanced Chinese International Forum, University of International Business and Economics.

wAugust 2014: “Process-oriented translation and interpreting studies: Moving to the state-of-the-art”, the 2014 International Symposium on Comparative & Translation Studies Between English & Chinese, Tsinghua University.

Selected Invited Talks

w25 Mar 2019, Translation Process Research: Progress and New Perspectives, Renmin University

w11 Apr 2019, Translation Process Research: Progress and New Perspectives, Zhejiang University

w8 Jan 2019, Cognitive Neuroscience of Translation, Hong Kong University

w4 Jan 2019, New Approaches in Translation Process Research, Hong Kong Polytechnic University

w2 Jan 2019, New Approaches in Translation Process Research, Sun Yat-sen University

w24 Dec 2018, The Future of Translation and Translation Studies, Beijing Normal University

w2 May 2018, “Cognitive Neuroscience Inquiries into the Process of Translation”, Leeds University

w9-10 April 2018, “An Introduction to Empirical Translation Research” and “Translation, Cognition and Neuroscience”, Fudan University

w21 March-3 April 2018, invited talks in Dalian University of Foreign Languages, Sichuan University, Southwest University, Chongqing University, Sichuan International Studies University, and Ningbo University.

w2 Nov 2017, “Translation and Cognitive Neuroscience”, Beijing Foreign Studies University (Xu Guozhang Institute of Advance Studies Lecture Series 17)

w20 March-7 April 2017, invited talks in Peking University, Wuhan University, Wuhan Institute of Technology, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, South China University of Technology, Hunan University

w27 June- 4 July 2016, invited talks in the Communication University of China, Beijing Language and Culture University, China University of Mining and Technology (Xuzhou)

w12 March-12 April 2016, invited talks in Hunan University, Central South University, Hubei University, Huazhong University of Science & Technology, Huazhong Agricultural University

w18 Feb 2016, Leicester University

w26 Oct 2014, “Processing translation and interpreting: The behavioral and neuro-cognitive approaches”, Cambridge University

w17 June 2014, “In words and pictures: An introduction of Durham University and its translation program”, Central University of Finance and Economics

w13 June 2014, “Translation and interpreting process studies: A historical review”, South China University of Technology

w12 June 2014, “Process-oriented translation studies: From think-aloud protocols to fMRI (1)”, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies

w10 June 2014, “Process-oriented translation studies: Moving to the state-of-the-art”, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University

w23 Apr 2014, “Contrastive studies between English and Chinese languages and their translation”, Newcastle University

w5 Dec 2013, “The role of cultural background knowledge in sight translating metaphorical expressions”, Leicester University

Conference Organising

wSep 2021, The 7th International Conference on Cognitive Research on Translation and Interpreting, Durham University (Co-Chair)

wMay 2019, The International in a National: Translation as a Factor of the National Evolution, University College, Durham University (Co-Chair)

wOctober 2018, the 2ndWITTACongresscum International Symposium onTranslation and Interpreting Education (Co-Chair)

wFeb 2017, the 5th Durham Postgraduate Colloquium on Translation Studies (Organiser)

wJul 2016, the 14th BCLTS International Conference on Teaching and Learning Chinese, Newcastle University (Chair of organisation committee)

wThe 4th Asia-Pacific Forum on Translation and Intercultural Studies, Durham University, Oct 2015 (Chair of organising committee)

wThe 13thBCLTS International Conference on Teaching and Learning Chinese, Oxford University, Jul 2015 (Chair of organising committee)

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